Started on March 28, 20258:30a - 4:30p (2 days)16hrs

Initial CCW” is the full 16hr training and qualification course you require to obtain a California Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit.

You will learn the basics of firearms safety and how to avoid conflicts using situational awareness. Then we’ll discuss what to do before, during, and after a violent encounter. We’ll also discuss the importance of making a plan to prepare yourself and your family for how to handle the worst case scenario, including what to say to police, and how to legally exercise your rights to protect yourself and your family.

Finally, range day will provide a review of popular equipment, range etiquette, and basic firearm safety. We will work together to develop your basic mechanics and review how and when a shooter must place defensively accurate rounds on target quickly, to end the threat. This will be contrasted to the need for precision shooting, requiring slower, more carefully aimed shots.

The last thing you will do is qualify for your CCW Firearms standards. This requires 80% of shots fired be placed inside the designated target zone. This qualification will be repeated for each pistol to be listed on your permit.

Suggestion: If you are still not sure whether this class is for you, or whether this is the best time for you to take this class, please contact me directly. I am happy to advise you on how to start the process of getting certified to carry, and any other questions you may come up with.

What to bring

Required for each Initial CCW student

  • Great attitude, willingness to have fun, and eagerness to learn!
  • Protective Headgear: Hat, ball cap, or other brimmed head covering to protect you from the sun and potential flying/floating debris.
  • Eye protection: Shooting glasses, prescription glasses, sunglasses, or other suitable tempered protective eyewear.
  • Hearing protection: Ear plugs or ear muffs are required. Electronic ear muffs are preferred, for those who have access to them.
  • Closed-toed, comfortable shoes: We will be standing a lot. Bring something comfortable, with a thick enough sole to protect your feet while walking on gravel and/or dirt.
  • For Qualification
    • Handguns you listed on your permit application. (Typically, up to 3 allowed. If your county permits more, we will verify)
    • Holster(s) for each handgun. (Generic, “One-size fits all” style is fine)
    • Sufficient ammunition to qualify with each gun listed on your permit application. (Varies by county. Ask if not sure)
  • For Training
    • Outside the waistband holster for at least one of your handguns.
    • 3 magazines (semi-autos) or 1-3 rapid loaders (revolver) for your training gun.
    • (Recommended) Magazine holder(s) or pouches for your Revolver’s speed loader(s).
    • 100 – 300 rounds of ammunition for at least one of your guns. (usually your intended “Primary carry”)
      (In light of the current shortage … bring what you can. We’ll work with it!)
    • Holster(s) for each handgun. (Generic, “One-size fits all” style is fine)
    • Sufficient ammunition to qualify with each gun listed on your permit application.

Highly recommended for Initial CCW:

  • Cool drinking water: We will be working outside. Regardless of the weather, you will need to be drinking to stay safe and healthy.
  • IMPORANT: Limit or avoid caffeine intake for 12hrs prior to training outdoors to prevent dehydration and heat related injuries.
  • Sunscreen: We will have limited cover and you will be exposed to considerable sun.
  • Comfortable seating: The range has limited or no seating available. Folding chairs are HIGHLY encouraged.
  • Snacks and/or lunch: You will be burning a lot of calories. The range is a LONG way from the nearest convenience store or drive-thru. You will not have time to buy food or drink once the class begins.
  • Any training material that was not 100% clear to you, so we can review it with you and clarify anything you did not fully understand.

Initial CCW Prerequisites

  • You should have basic handgun fundamentals, including knowledge and experience with any safety features on your guns.
    • If you have never fired a gun, or haven’t fired a gun in years, please take a “Fundamentals” class first.
    • If your gun handling proves unsafe or inadequate, the instructor WILL NOT provide a certificate of completion. You will be required to attend remedial training.
  • (Highly recommended) You should have received an approval for your CCW application from your Sheriff’s office.
    • The Sacramento County CCW website (“New applicant” section) directs all new applicants to ensure they obtain approval to carry PRIOR TO obtaining training. Likewise for other counties. It is preferred that you complete your interview appointment with the Sheriff’s office prior to training.
    • Training certificates typically have a 90 lifespan. If your certificate expires before your approving authority has approved your permit, you will have to take another qualification class.
  • If you are unsure about any aspect of the process, or these prerequisites, please contact me directly. I will help you get everything started.

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