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Started on March 28, 20252hr

Thinking about getting your Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) license/permit? Not sure what is required? Not sure how much it will cost?

The process of getting a carry permit can be very confusing, and pretty expensive. Most people don’t know where to start or what to expect. Almost every county has different requirements and different costs. California does not have a state-wide standard. Each Sheriff’s Department has their own setup and their own requirements.

I often run into those who question the challenges of carrying concealed. They’re concerned with how others will view them, as well as whether or not they should expect problems with law enforcement, or other public agencies.

For anybody with questions or concerns about any part of the process, including the training requirements, this class is for you. I will give you a first-hand account of the first 6-12 months after you start carrying. I will also explain to you some of the side-benefits realized after you’ve been carrying for a while. I will break down the training requirements and costs for you. Finally, I will provide you with website information where you can start the process, and help to explain the specific requirements for your county.

The idea is to make sure that those who aren’t sure, get the information necessary to make a very important life decision. Also, for those who choose to proceed with obtaining their CCW, I will be there to help you through each stage of the process (except payment … sorry!), including the application process, training, and what to expect if you succeed in getting your permit.

If you take this class, and decide to pursue your CCW, I will take 10% off the cost of my CCW training class for you. [note: This discount is not transferable, and only applies for an individual who pays for my CCW course within 6 months of attending this course]

I hope you take advantage!

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