Started on February 20, 2025

This Basic Shotgun course is a 4 hour course that covers all of the basics of purchasing, owning, operating, maintenance, and cleaning of a Shotgun.

This a great course for anyone who owns or is looking to purchase a shotgun. We will cover firearm safety, in the home and outside the home. Loading and unloading procedures. The basics of operating and understanding the functionality of your shotgun. We will also cover the basic principles of shooting your shotgun.

This class will give you a good foundation to build from in your future firearm endeavors!

What to bring

IMPORTANT: This is a shooting class. If you have your own gun(s), please bring one or more. If you do NOT have your own, I can provide a limited assortment to be shared among participants.

Required for each student

  • Great attitude, willingness to have fun, and eagerness to learn!
  • Protective Headgear: Hat, ball cap, or other brimmed head covering to protect you from the sun and potential flying/floating debris.
  • Eye protection: Shooting glasses, prescription glasses, sunglasses, or other suitable tempered protective eyewear.
  • Hearing protection: Ear plugs or ear muffs are required. Electronic ear muffs are preferred, for those who have access to them.
  •  Closed-toed, comfortable shoes: We will be standing a lot. Bring something comfortable, with a thick enough sole to protect your feet while walking on gravel and/or dirt.
  • Ammunition:  50-100 shells for each gun you want to shoot. If you do not have your own gun(s), I can provide limited ammunition for the selection I bring at a small additional fee.
    IMPORTANT:  If you do not have your own gun, please be sure to email or call in advance to make arrangements for ammunition.  In accordance with recent changes to California law, any ammunition purchased through a range or instructor must be shot or left behind.
    So, we will make every effort to SHOOT IT ALL!

Hint … If you do not already own protective gear, and you do not want to buy everything right away, please let us know before coming to the range. We have a limited stock of loaner gear we can bring for you.

Highly recommended:

  • Cool drinking water: We will be working outside. Regardless of the weather, you will need to be drinking to stay safe and healthy.
  • IMPORANT: Limit or avoid caffeine intake for 12hrs prior to training outdoors to prevent dehydration and heat related injuries.
  • Sunscreen: We will have limited cover and you will be exposed to considerable sun.
  • Comfortable seating: The range has limited or no seating available. Folding chairs are HIGHLY encouraged.
  • Snacks and/or lunch: You will be burning a lot of calories. The range is a LONG way from the nearest convenience store or drive-thru. You will not have time to buy food or drink once the class begins.
  • Any training material that was not 100% clear to you, so we can review it with you and clarify anything you did not fully understand.

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